CEREBROedu Evaluation
General Information and Expectations for Participating Educators
Evaluation At-a-Glance
Dr. Valerie Knight-Williams and Rachael Dobrowolski from the independent firm Knight Williams, Inc. will oversee the project’s external evaluation, and will gather, analyze, and summarize data about your projects.
As partner educators, evaluators will gather data from you and from your participating Latinx youth and family members.
The key evaluation questions are: What is the reach of the CEREBROedu resources and programs, how are they implemented, and what is the perceived impact? and What is the impact of family events that use CEREBROedu resources, as experienced by participating youth and family members?
Please email Leah at ldefenbaugh@tpt.org with your start date, Family Fiesta date, and end date as soon as possible.
Partner Evaluation Requirements
Post-Webinar Survey (Due one week after viewing the second webinar)
After you view the two webinar trainings, you will complete an online survey about your reaction to the webinars and your sense of preparation for your program.
Two educators from each partner organization should complete this survey.
The post-webinar survey is available on the CEREBROedu Training webpage.
Post-Nearpod Survey (Due before you begin your program)
After you view the five online Nearpod trainings, you will complete an online survey about the Nearpod trainings and your sense of preparation for your program.
Two educators per site should also complete this survey.
The post-Nearpod survey is available on the CEREBROedu Training webpage.
Family Fiesta Surveys for Youth and Family Members (Due one week after your Family Fiesta)
The evaluation team will provide you with surveys for youth and adult family members to complete at your Family Fiesta.
These paper surveys, available in English and Spanish, are printable.
This part of the evaluation will help us assess the appeal, clarity, learning value, and motivational impact of the Family Fiestas.
Please plan now to allow at least 10 minutes at the end of your Fiesta to have your participants complete these surveys
Mail or scan and email the evaluations to Rachael Dobrowolski (rachael@knightwilliams.com) Address: Knight Williams Inc., P.O. Box 341220, Sacramento, CA 95834
Program Report Form (Due one week after the end of your program)
The evaluation team will provide the link to the survey at the end of your program.
This online survey will have questions about your organization’s use of each the project resources, what you perceived as the impacts of these resources, and the implementation of your Family Fiesta.
One educator per site will complete this survey.
Questions about evaluation? Please email rachael@knightwilliams.com